run over to,run over a dog

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run over to,run over a dog

run over a dog

網頁run over [sth], run across [sth] vi + prep (glide over) SC Simplified Chinese 滑过… Larry let his fingers run across the tactile surface of the sculpture. 拉里用手指抚摸着雕塑的表面。 run [sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, Say 。

網頁run over [sth], run across [sth] vi + prep (glide over) SC Simplified Chinese 滑过… Larry let his fingers run across the tactile surface of the sculpture. 拉里用手指抚摸着雕塑的表面。 run [sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say


網頁释义. 造访;驱车送;溢出;撞倒. 英英释义. run over. v. injure or kill by running over, as with a vehicle. 同义词:run down. flow or run over (a limit or brim) 同义词:overflowoverrunwell overbrim over. 学习怎么用. 双语例句. I'll run back over the procedure once again. 我把这个程序再复查一次。 Nobody can run circles around him in this field.…

網 頁 shi yi . zao fang ; qu che song ; yi chu ; zhuang dao . ying ying shi yi . r u n o v e r . v . i n j u r e o r k i l l b y r u n n i n g o v e r , a s w i t h a v e h i c l e . tong yi ci : r u n d o w n . f l o w o r r u n o v e r ( a l i m i t o r b r i m ) tong yi ci : o v e r f l o w o v e r r u n w e l l o v e r b r i m o v e r . xue xi zen me yong . shuang yu li ju . I ' l l r u n b a c k o v e r t h e p r o c e d u r e o n c e a g a i n . wo ba zhe ge cheng xu zai fu zha yi ci 。 N o b o d y c a n r u n c i r c l e s a r o u n d h i m i n t h i s f i e l d . …

網頁C2. to quickly say or practise something. 扼要陈述;匆匆练习;排演. I'll just run over what's been said so far, for latecomers who missed the first speakers. 为使后来才到的人了解前几个发言者所讲的内容,我将对已作的发言简要复述一下。 She quickly ran over her speech before going on-stage. 她在登台之前将演讲内容快速过了一遍。 The director wants to …


網頁to quickly say or practise something. 扼要陳述;匆匆練習;排演. I'll just run over what's been said so far, for latecomers who missed the first speakers. 為使後來才到的人了解前幾個發言者所講的內容,我將對已作的發言簡要複述一下。 She quickly ran over her speech before going on-stage. 她在登臺之前將演講內容快速過了一遍。 The director wants to run …

網頁内容. run over (sth)翻译:超過;超(時)。 了解更多。

網頁英 [rʌn ˈəuvə] 美 [rʌn ˈovɚ] 释义. 造访; 驱车送; 溢出; 撞倒. 实用场景例句. 全部. Will you run over to the shop and get some butter? 你到铺子里去买点黄油好 吗 ? 《简明英汉词典》 A dodge behind a tree kept her from being run over. 她向树后一闪,才没被车从身上辗过. 《简明英汉词典》 He narrowly missed being run over by a car. 他差点儿被汽车压死. 《简 …

網頁run over. phrasal verb with run verb uk / rʌn / us / rʌn / present participle running | past tense ran | past participle run. If liquid runs over, it flows over the edges of something, because there is too much of it. 溢出. The water /The bath is running over - …

網頁run over 的简体中文 翻译. 及物动词. (Automobiles: person) 撞倒. 非离合及物动词. (repeat) 再來一遍. 非及物动词. (bath, sink, water) 溢出. See full dictionary entry for run below. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. run. [rʌn ] 词形 past ran, past participle run. 名词 [count] 1. (as exercise, sport) 跑步 (次) 2. (in car) 旅行 (次)

網頁run over 的简体中文 翻译. 及物动词. (Automobiles: person) 撞倒 [zhuàngdǎo] 非离合及物动词. (repeat) 再来一遍 [zài lái yī biàn] 非及物动词. (bath, sink, water) 溢出 [yìchū] See full dictionary entry for run below. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. run. [rʌn ] 词形 past ran, past participle run. 名词 [count] 1. (as exercise, sport) 跑步 …


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